SEARCH FOR CERTIFICATIONSearch our database of completed background screened reports
PRE EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGKnow who you are employing by conducting a full screening on them before you employ them
ACCOUNTING SERVICESV-Report through a strategic partnership offers full accounting services to its clientele.
CANDIDATE INTEGRITY PROFILEVerify a Jobseekers code of conduct in their dealings with recruitment agencies and corporate SA in seeking employment. Vetted clients of V-Report are also able to place a rating on a Jobseeker once an Indemnity form has been completed.
VENDOR VETTINGKnow who you are dealing with in business by completing various verifications on your suppliers.
APPTRACKMake use of our in-house developed applicant tracking system to keep abreast of where you are in the recruitment process. Our system is able to accomodate large volumes at any given time.
PROPERTY VERIFICATIONV-Report offers a full range of property verifications to its vetted clients.
CRIMINAL, FRAUD & FORENSICSV-Report conducts AFIS criminal checks, various fraud related verifications and Forensic checks for its clientele.
VIRTUAL RECRUITERJobseekers that have registered with V-Report, uploaded their CV’s and have some form of certification completed on themselves will be searchable in our Virtual Recruiter Database by vetted clients of V-Report only. This is a pay per CV based system ranging from R10.00 TO R50.00.
VEHICLE VERIFICATIONSV-Report are market leaders in terms of vehicle verifications having the largest product range available.
DOMESTIC VETTINGAre you employing a domestic worker perhaps a gardener or even a garden service. These Individuals will have access to your property. Now is the time to know who you are dealing with. We can help you.
JOBMAX.CO.ZAJobmax is the Job aggregator attached to V-Report, at any given time we have between 30000 and 65000searchable jobs around South Africa. Search only one database to find your perfect job not multiple job board websites.
VIRTUAL VAULTV-Reports secure vault where you are able to store documents for access anywhere anytime.
SKILLS TESTINGV-Report offers a battery of skills testing solutions to its vetted clients.
PSYCHOMETRIC TESTINGV-Report offers a battery of Psychometric testing solutions to its vetted clients.
TRACINGV-Report offers tracing solutions for various Industries.
HR SOLUTIONSV-Report provides various HR solutions such as Applicant Tracking Systems, Video Interviewing, Virtual Recruiter and Virtual Vault to name but a few.
HOME AFFAIRS RECORDSV-Report offers various verifications covering all descriptor records held at home affairs.
BUSINESS ENQUIRIESV-Report offers various verifications in vetting your clients and suppliers.
LABOUR & LEGALWe conduct various verifications such as CCMA as well as other courts to gain an overview on an Individual.
LARGEST AFIS CRIMINAL NETWORK V-Report currently has the largest AFIS Criminal check network nationally in South Africa.
VIRTUAL VIDEO INTERVIEWSAs part of the HR Solutions range of products V-Report offers Recorded and Live video Interviews to its clients. By making use of these solutions you will be able to see more Jobseekers per vacancy and tap into a larger talent pool.