V-Report is attempting to combat Identity Theft as well as giving you certification of your CV and on any other verification we have that you may want certified. Your Certification and data will be securely and safely stored on our databases and you will have access to it at anytime, to complete updates and additions to your certification. By updating your profile and adding as much data to your certification as possible you will make it easier for you to prove who you are in case of Identity Theft. Should there be anything you wish for us to verify and certify for you please contact us on admin@v-report.co.za and we will gladly attempt to assist you.
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(Acceptable File Formats are : JPEG, GIF, PNG)
(Maximum upload size 2 MB) |
First Name |
Surname |
Maiden Name |
User Name |
Password |
ID Number |
VR/Cert Number |
Physical Address |
Province |
City |
Country |
Phone |
Cellphone |
E -Mail Address |
V-Report Website Link |
https://www.v-report.co.za/ certificate.php?user=
Payment Methods |
Employment Equity Candidate |
Disabled |
Marital Status |
High School Attended |
Highest Grade Attained |
Year Completed |
Matriculation Completed |
Institution (University / College) Attended |
Highest Qualification Obtained |
Current Position |
Your Industry |
Area of Expertise |
Level of work experience |
Activate My CV for search & Send |
No |
Package Purchased |
No purchase to date |
Updates Purchased |
No updates purchased to date. |
Additional Verifications Purchased |
No additional verifications purchased to date |
Certification |
No certification awarded to date |
Profile Ranking |
Update or Add Verifications to your Certification Now |